Hi Friends, Foes, Countrymen & An Garda Siochana!

I am embarrassed and predictably humiliated by publishing this arrest, I am a law abiding citizen, retired journalist aged 67 with no criminal record and a peace keeping personality. But truth over rides personal embarrassment.

I have been raided by An Garda Siochana TWICE since 2017….the first raid was instigated by infamous HAMPSTEAD father Ricky Dearman but failed to secure prosecution…the second raid was MAY 2024 instigated tragically by my groomed and handled daughter…

My phone was returned after six hours detainment including mug shot, search, dna testing and traumatic interrogation….the top of the range computer containing CONFIDENTIAL journalistic evidence bundles has yet to be returned, even though MYSTERIOUSLY the computer and 2 laptops stolen in 2017 were recently RETURNED after SIX YEARS!!!

This latest arrest came after a series of attacks including daylight robbery of my phone in a park, robbery of 11 thousand in my home, smashing of windows with molotov cocktails in an attempted arson, a false allegation of driving uninsured and what seemed to me to be a concerted BACKLASH for the whistle blowing I did AGAIN during this alarming arrest by FIVE DETECTIVES at least one of whom was very aggressive “You are coming with us whether it takes ten minutes or ten hours” quote unquote.

All of these attacks happened within a matter of months and CAN NOT be put down to co incidence.

They held me for SIX HOURS and I have heard nothing since although they still have my work computer and are avoiding my calls...was this a scare tactic to silence me? Was the orchestrated attack on my home and thefts of thousands also designed to simply scare and silence me? Or worse, drive me to suicide?? These are questions whistleblowers worldwide must be asking themselves.


the above is gofundme, but if you prefer to donate crypto, this is my wallet

In my decade plus of working online, I am the proud badge holder of the following censorship!! 2 videos banned in CANADA; 2 videos banned in IRELAND; 7 videos banned in the UK and one on CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA banned worldwide!! With the help of my wonderful technical assistant, ALL BANNED VIDEOS will be uploaded on my bitchute channel!!

I have worked for more than nine years investigating and reporting on the HAMPSTEAD COVER UP the biggest satanic ritual abuse case in our generation according to the allegations of ALISA and GABRIEL in multiple video disclosures (playlist of many here) recorded when they were aged 8 & 9 in late 2014

The accused Father alleged to be the cult leader, tried to have me prosecuted and jailed for my work on the case, and we were at a very sensitive stage of the disclosure and exposure with evidence due to surface which should have categorically generated the arrest of all accused including the Father, and the RESCUE of the children, now 18 & 19 (2024)…UPDATE sadly the accused still remain free and have enjoyed coverage by Channel Four and Tortoise Media and the children are still under his control….but 2024 IS THE YEAR OF DISCLOSURE and we never give up!

I document my own mkultra and trafficking experiences on multiple platforms since 2009, as well as campaigning for others, especially CHILDREN currently caught up in this vile, international problem without a voice or hope of rescue unless humanity as a whole WAKES UP and TAKES ACTION!!

I apologise if this blog is TRIGGERING …we are living in intense times and all should be PRAYING without ceasing!!

Love always,

Angie, Aaron, Molly & the Telegram Team as well as faithful monthly financial partners! xxx