“GIANTS AND ANGELS”…………..for ‘Jacknife’
Man of stature, giant, stood there weeping,
standing by a river void of life
Wondering what poison stole the keeping
of wonderment once captured on a knife
Zeal and passion flared within his belly
Yellowstone erupted one last time
‘Quick!’ he cried, ‘Bring me my precious children
So I may hold them, love them, they are mine’
Warriors from north and south, horses in the sky,
horrors that were never dreamed before………….
Yet angels to the giant once had whispered
and told him,, ‘Come home quickly, close the door!’
‘Just once my love, just once my sweet
just one sweet time lay gently on my bed
and I will hold you hide you in my circles’
‘Come get me love I’m waiting here’, she said
And giant folded lover in his arms,
placed children tenderly upon his shoulder
Raced home to home that always was there waiting
Another day another moved the boulder.
(Copyright Power 2009)