A lovely lady called Frances Mary nee Power living in America contacted me about our genealogy. She had been rated top genealogy researcher whilst she was tracing the Powers…she found out we were related to Princess Diana, Madonna and Gwen Stefani amongst others! Vikings then English Protestants, Chancellors knights and Ladies to Monarchy…OH WHAT A SHOCK FOR MY SINN FEIN IRISH ‘CATHOLIC’ REPUBLICAN SOUL ha ha!!
I have not edited or placed the copious notes from Frances, but hope the rest of the clan will find them as fascinating as I did!!
The Power’s that be were Danish Viking who worshipped Odin and Thor, their leader Rollo had fallen out with the then King and he became quite powerful and they sacked Paris; as they were formidable and kept coming back the Norsemen were given a huge parcel of land and bred with the Franks there, they then became Norman…s who invaded England in 1066, though there may have been a group waiting for the invaders to arrive. There were certainly the Vatican’s men waiting along the Sussex coast. The Le Poers as well as being knights, chancellors were also church men and the name is derived from the phrase “he who has made a vow of poverty” Poer meaning in essence poor. There are some branches of the family named POOR! They were far from poor and had fabulous wealth and influence, my neice has tried to chase it! Much dissipated and can be traced in part to losses such as the ship which went down, Alice Kyteller stealing the Le Poer inheritance etc etc
De Paor! Cambrio Normans! The most ferocious warriors because they combined the armour of Troy with the savagery of the Vikings (beserkers). They toured with Rollo and sacked Paris! They are mentioned in the Le Fallaise Roll and are present in lots of royal family trees!
Poers Hayes derived its name from the Poer family, with whom the Duke family intermarried several times during the 15th and 16th centuries. It was a family long established in Devon and even more so in the adjacent counties of Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Dorset. Of the various Poer family arms, only those of Wiltshire and Dorset, and of a Cornwall branch derived from Devon, resemble those of the Devon family. The circumstantial evidence for a tie between the Devon line and the Wiltshire and Dorset Poer families is very strong.
The Poer family made a place for themselves among the Anglo-Norman aristocracy and gentry of England quite early. Roger le Poor or le Poer was Chancellor of England under King Stephen, and died in 1139. He appears to be the first of the le Poers to have achieved national importance in England.
Roger, Robert, William, and Simon le Poer took part in the conquest of Ireland, accompanying Strongbow, and it is believed that they were all brothers. Roger, who died in 1186, was the most conspicuous of these. Some of the le Poer family subsequently remained in Ireland, ultimately receiving the title Earl of Tyrone. Burke’s General Armory notes that in 1535 Roger le Poer’s descendant, Richard le Poer (or Power) of Curraghmore, County Waterford, was made Lord le Poer.
However, some descendants of the le Poer brothers returned to England. For example, in the reign of Henry II, William le Poer held lands in Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, and Gloucestershire, and Robert le Poer held property in Oxfordshire.
Herbert le Poor was the last bishop at Sarum, in Wiltshire, and Richard le Poor was the first bishop at the new cathedral at Salisbury, serving from 1217 to 1229. He later served as Bishop of Durham, and died in 1237. Richard and Herbert were sons of Richard of Ilchester, bishop of Winchester, and Chancellor of England. They were necessarily illegitimate, since bishops couldn’t marry. Medieval England was notoriously lax, however, about the chastity of the priesthood.
The Dictionary of National Biography observes of Herbert le Poor, Bishop of Sarum in the early 13th century, that:
Dr. Stubbs suggests that he was connected with Roger Poor [see Roger] and therefore also with Roger of Salisbury and Richard FitzNeale. Canon Rich Jones conjectured that Poore was in this case the equivalent not of ‘pauper,’ but of ‘puer’ or the Norman ‘poer,’ a knight or cadet of good family (cf. Anglo-Saxon ‘cild’). He has also pointed out that near Tarrant in Dorset, where Herbert’s brother Richard was born, there are places called Poorstock and Poorton.
The names of “Poorstock” and “Poorton” in Dorset are more commonly given as “Powerstock” and “Powerton,” both modernized forms of “Poer.” Canon Jones’ interpretation seems very likely to be correct. “Poore” is the equivalent in this case of “Poer.”
Richard le Poer’s history was quite distinguished overall, but the best known accomplishment of his career was certainly the movement of the see from Sarum to Salisbury and the erection of Salisbury Cathedral. He organized the effort, and found the funds, for the construction of this jewel among the Gothic cathedrals of England, sometimes criticized as “too perfect” and a bit austere, but always regarded as one of the most historically and architecturally important buildings in England, a nearly pure example of Early English Gothic.
He also left less tangible monuments. Richard le Poer is credited with the final form of ‘the use of Sarum,’ the liturgy that became dominant throughout much of England and is one of the primary forerunners of the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Communion. The “Sarum Rite,” spread throughout much of southern England and is regarded as among the most elaborate forms of Christian religious service. “The elaborate splendour of Sarum ceremonial, as carried out in the cathedral church in the centuries immediately preceeding the Reformation, contrasted vividly with the comparative simplicity of the practice of the Roman Church.”
Richard founded a Cistercian house for nuns and their servants at his birthplace, Crawford Tarrant in Dorset. He also has been credited, probably eroneously, with the Ancren Riwle, a treatise on the monastic life that has been described as “one of the most perfect models of simple natural eloquent prose in our language …”
And, finally, as if this were not a sufficiently full life, Richard resided for some time, including minimally the year 1223, at Sherborne Castle in Dorset, “but it would have been as Sheriff of Dorset, and not as Bishop of Salisbury, that he held it.” Gilbert de Staplebridge acted for Richard as undersheriff. Clearly the medieval conception of appropriate episcopal roles differed from later standards.
It may be more than coincidence that Walter le Poer was Sheriff of Devon in 1222, probably overlapping Richard’s tenure as Sheriff of adjacent Dorset. The sheriffs were royal appointments, at this time frequently given to related members of families trusted by the crown. Walter le Poer was also a collector of the lay subsidy in Worcestershire in 1226, a justice itinerant in Worcestershire in the same year, and in 1227 justice itinerant for Oxford, Hereford, Stafford, and Salop (Shropshire). William le Poer (“le Pohier”) was Sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224, and was described as possibly an “outsider,” not native to Devon. The appointment of the Poers in and after 1222 marks the first appearance of the family in Devonshire.
There are references to the Poer family in the pleas of the Devon Eyre, dealing with civil litigation, of 1238. Hugh le Poer was listed as one who pledged for the fine of Walter Losoner and Ralph de Hapse in the case of the abduction of Robert de Sicca Villa de Strachville in Witheridge Hundred. Stephen le Poer was held in default for failing to appear for the first day as a juror in Braunton Hundred. He held land valued at one knight’s fee in Churchill, East Down, Barony of Dartington.
In 1238, Roger le Poer was an Elector for Sancte Marie Otery Hundred, held by the Dean and Chapter of Rouen Cathedral. In 1242-43, he was a juror in the Buddleigh Hundred and a tenant at Yethemeton, at Blakebergh, and at Rapelinghegh, a feofee of John de Courtenay, Earl of Devon. The Blakebergh property was in the honor of Plymton, held of the sheriff of Devon; there is doubtless some connection with William le Poer’s service in this position in 1222-1224. At some date between 1242 and 1254, a Phillip le Poer was a witness to a gift to the priory of the church of Ashbury, Devon.
It seems likely that William le Poer, sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224, was father of Roger, and perhaps also of Stephen and Hugh le Poer, since there is no evidence of a pre-existing Devonshire le Poer line to provide alternatives. Thus the genealogy of Cecily Poer, who married John Duke’s son William, was from William le Poer or le Pohier, Sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224; to Roger, elector for Ottery Saint Mary in 1238 and juror in 1242; through several generations to John Poer, feofee of the Dowager of the Earl of Devon in 1377; to his son, Roger, father of Cecily.
Nutwell is south of Exeter on the Exe River. The Prideaux were long established in this area. The family was begun in England by Paganus de Prideaux, who held Prideaux Castle in Cornwall under William I, suggesting participation in the Norman Conquest of 1066. Their family crest includes the head of a Saracen, denoting their participation in the crusades.
Herden Prideaux, great-grandson of Paganus de Prideaux and son of Nicholas de Prideaux (died 1169) married the daughter and heiress of Ralph Orcharton, of Orcharton, Devon. This established the Devonshire line of the family, which after the termination of the Cornwall line in 1387 was the senior line.
The Devon family included Sir Jeffrey Prideaux, who died in about 1243; Sir Roger Prideaux, born about 1224; and Sir Ralph Prideaux, born about 1243. In 1346 Thomas Prideaux served in the war in France, presumably at Crécy and Calais, with John Trevaignon of the king’s retinue. Other members of the Prideaux family were feoffees of the very powerful Courtenay family, earls of Devonshire. John Prideaux, Knight (died 1403) was the son of Sir Roger Prideaux of Orcherton and Joan, the heiress of Peter Clifford. Sir John was a commissioner of array in Devon between 1379 and 1392, and was a knight of the shire in the parliaments of October, 1383 (with Sir Robert Cornu) and February, 1388 (with Sir Philip Courtenay). He and his family had close connections with the earl. His sister’s son, Robert Scobhull, was another of the earl’s esquires; his cousin, also John Prideaux, married the daughter of Robert French, one of Earl Edward’s lawyers, in the 1390’s. Sir John himself acted as a feoffee of the earl in 1383, and witnessed with him a charter of Thomas Beauchamp. The Nutwell branch, from which Richard Duke’s wife came, was established by a cadet branch of this line.
The danes, strengthened with Swedes, also battled on in France. They fought their way up the rivers of Weser, Rhen, Maas and Seine in to France (or Valland as they called it). In the history books from the french monasteries one can read about their triumphs. They tell about the great forces which besieged Paris at easter 845 commanded by no one less than Ragnar Lodenbrok which according to the tales governed over Sweden, Denmark, Finland parts of England and some assorted countries in the east. He came with 120 ships and 5000 warriors. When they closed in on Paris the French King Karl the Bald fled to the monastary of St Denis where he praid to the saints Dionysos, St Germain and St Germanus. Anyhow nothng helped and 28:th of March the great army of the Viking stood outside the walls of Paris. To convince the people of Paris that they should give their gold to the Viking they killed som of their prisoners before the eyes of the Paris people.
The king could not do anything else than give the Vikings what they wanted and after some trading they left with over 7000 pounds worth of silver (which in those day was an enormous amount of money). This kind of money showed what the city had to offer if they would come back, and they did…
They came every summer afterwards, especially after the wine harvest. The city of Rouen was destroyed six times. Usually they struck on a religious holliday or during the market period (any time rally when there was a lot of people with a lot of goods in the city).
After some years Ragnars son Björn Järnsida took over the enterprise from his father and and cidnapped Karl the Greats grandsons Ludvig and Gocelin and the ransom, which the now more or less broke Karl the Bald, had to pay brought his country to the verge of economic ruin. In the year 885 a large number of Viking beseiged Paris but they didn’t give in and after some time the Viking gave up and fled towards Bourgogne.
Ragnar Lodbrok had several sons which all got very famous for their their capacities as warriors and merchants. They had interesting names like: Ivar Benlös, Sigurd Ormöga and in some hstory books: Hastein (in centraleurope: Hastings). According to the tales the two brothers Hastings and Björn Järnsida lead an expedition down the french coast.
They fought in Aquitanien, went up the river Garonne in to the wine district of Bordeaux. They visited St Emilion (which even in those days was famous for it’s fine wine). They threatened Toulouse and plundered a bit at the coast of Asturien and continued to Sevilla (up the river Guadalquivir) to threaten the moores led by Abdal Rahman II. He managed to defend himself, this time, more attacks were to follow…
Then, according to the Eddas, the brothers started a mediterranean cruising which has no paralell. They got through Gibraltar (Nörvasund), plundering Algesiras and Murcia on the way. They landed in Mallorca where they took slaves which they sold in North Africa (Blåland, Marocko). They sailed close to the coast of southern france plundering and taking whatever they wanted. Rousillon, Narbonne, Arles and Nimes was visited.
They went up the river Rhone and stayed over the winter on an island there. Thereafter they started a spring campaign with a little trip to Italy (Langbardaland, Lombardiet) where they plundered Pisa and the area of Ligurien. They also (according to normandic authors) invaded the city Luna as they thought it to be Rome. In order to invade the city they used a very sly tactic. They convinced the citizens of Luna that their leader had been killed and that they now wanted to give him a christian burial. To do this they where let in through the town gates… As soon as they had gotten inside they supposedly dead person sprung to life and promptly killed anyone in sight, opened the gates and let the rest of the Vikings in…
On their way home they passed the Island Sikelö (Sicily), Blåland (where they sold everything they robbed from Sikelö and grabbed some slaves which they in turn sold on Ireland).
Historically it has been confirmed that Vikings has been in Spain. The largest recorded attack came the 31:st of July 844 when a larger attack force hit the shores of Asturien. After this it continued (probably it was Hastings and his brother) via Galicien to Lissabon which was plundered. Then the turn came to Sevilla and Cadiz. The arabic Historian Ib Al Qotiya has described when the Madjous (the vikings) came up the river of Guadalquivir. After this first encounter the man in power (not surprisingly) hastily built a city wall in Sevilla and they started to ocnstruct battleships which could meet the enemy out in the open water.
An ambassadour was also sent (a poet and historian with the name Al Ghazal) to the north to meet with this strange people and establish a friendly relationship. The ambassadour wrote about his journey but forgot (!) to tell the name of the country he arrived to. In his books he writes that the kingdom consisted of several Islands far up in he north. There where a lot of fountains and the natives worshipped the fire. There where also many christians there. Probably he had arrived to Iceland.
Unfortunately he got in a lot of trouble when he tried to have an affair with the kings wife and it took him quite some time to recover from this. He stayed for a year and as result the Viking expeditions expired for some time.
Rollo, or Rolf the pirate as he was called in french historybooks was a rather fascinating man. He was an outlaw (even by Viking standards) and had been robbing, slaughtering and plundering all over the french coast for some time. When he got tired of this he sailed up thorugh seine and in to Paris which he besieged. After some time the whole county around Paris hade been so thorougly plundered that the french king, in Sweden called Karl den enfaldige (Karl the stupid), had to negotiate with Rollo.
They met in the little community St Claire at the river Epte between Rouen and Paris. Here they signed a contract which gave Rollo the control over all the land between Epte at Seine to the border of Bretagne, this land is to day called Normandy. The french king had no longer any jurisdiciton over this county (he was not entiteld to get any taxes or enroll men in his army or even appoint a new duke in this county). The treaty was sealed with a marriage between Rollo and the french kings daughter (What she thought about is not told) Gisla. That he was married before this was obviously of no importance.
To be able to get married he had to be baptized. This was done in the Church of St Clair (where the market place in front of the church still is named Place Rollon). The frenchmen formed a group on one side and the Viking on the other. The ceremony was held by Robert of Francien. After the ceremony and the trety had been signed Rollo was meant to kiss the kings foot to show that he accepted the king as his superior. As Rollo according to himself didn’t have any superiors he refused to do this. After a short quarrel a representative was sent forward to do it in Rollos place. He, is it told, stepped forward, took the foot in his hand lifted it up kissed it, lifted the king in his feet and throwed him out the window. Needless to say this wasn’t very popular among the frenchmen.
The treaty is no longer available but has been reviewed by the author Dudos in his book ‘Historia Norrmannorum’ During a quarter of a century, from 8th June 793 until 15th October 1066, these men would come in waves, often young and seeking a fight, and extremely skilled as sailors and warriors. Their activities left traces for eternity. Over 900 of the most common English words come from the Vikings (sky, skin, scrape, skirt, husband (husbonde) and window (vindue) are some examples). There are over 600 village names in England which can be directly related to the Vikings (Grimsby, Thoresby, Brimtoft, Langtoft and so on). There are English counties where about 75 percent of the village names derived from the Vikings. On the Shetland Islands the percentage goes up to about 99 percent. In the North East of England the Nordic languages were spoken until as late as the 12th century, on the Isle Of Man until the middle of the 15th century.
Ainsleigh Bertram Power
(Submitted by DNA Study Participant #18)
In the 1891 Census, in March, Hiram and Frances Power were lodgers at 4 Alderson Road, Wavertree, England. Frances was seven months pregnant at this time. On the 14 May 1891 she had a baby boy, Ainsleigh Bertram Power. At the time Hiram was a Book Keeper, and was good at his trade. By the 1901 Census the family had moved back to Toxteth Park, and Hiram had become a Secretary for an Insurance Company. By 1911, with Bert off her hands, Frances began her own business as is noted in the Liverpool Trade Directory. This was carried out on the corner of Ullet Road and 6 Rutland Avenue, in South Liverpool. By the time he died in 1932 Hiram had risen to a Shipping Director.
Bert sailed to Wellington, New Zealand on the ship SS Ionic in 1910. From the age of 19 he traveled around Wellington until about 1917 when he met Elizabeth Campbell who was quite taken with him. In February 1917 they moved to Fielding, some miles north, where they married in the Catholic Church on the 10th of February 1917. Bert became a Traveling Salesman, traveling around the countryside. Meanwhile Elizabeth bore him two sons; Ainsleigh Lesley Power in February 1919 and Francis Daniel Power in 1920. By 1928 Bert had tired of Elizabeth and divorced her on the 13th July of that year. Three days later he married Myrtle Clare Cameron, from Hawera, in Palmerston North. Two years later and they moved to Wanganui where Bert became the Manager for Dominion Motors.
Then World War II broke out. This time Bert elected to join up. He flew over to Brisbane, Australia with Myrtle, and putting his age down ten years, joined the Royal Australian Army. He went into the Training Camp at Puckapunyal down in Victoria. Here he was stationed with the Petrol Park, as a Corporal, for three months. He was then discharged as he was required in a reserved occupation. It would appear this reserved occupation was his promotion to an officer of the Royal Australian Navy, as he became a Mining Engineer in March 1942; first as a Sub Lieutenant, and then promoted to a Lieutenant. In October 1945 Bert was discharged. Not long after this Bert divorced Myrtle and married Meta Lorraine Bennett-White, in New South Wales, Australia. Myrtle had had no children.
Gary Ainsleigh Power was born on the 19 December 1947. They lived in Bowral, New South Wales, and Bert returned to his favourite occupation as a Car Salesman. He died on the 31st March 1963 at the age of 72. Lorraine died in 1969. Gary joined the Royal Australian Air Force in June 1965, as a Engineer Mechanic/Fitter. He served in Vietnam with the Caribou Squadron. At some time during his time in the Air Force Gary married Margaret-Ann Theresa Richardson.
In 1972 Gary was promoted to Corporal and was transferred to New Guinea, where he became a Loadmaster of the Caribou A4-233. He was part of the crew flying between Lae and Port Moresby. On the 28th August 1972 Gary’s plane had flown back and forth twice during the day, and on the third trip back from Lae there were 26 Air Cadets onboard. As they flew through the valley known as Kudjeru Gap the fog came down to zero, and as the Pilot turned around in an attempt to gain altitude, flew into the tree tops. Although five Cadets survived one later died in hospital. Gary was cremated in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs Cemetery.
Curraghmore House
by Orla Fitzgerald
Originally printed in “Waterford Today”, April 18th 2000
The word Curraghmore comes from two Irish words meaning “great marsh”.Two families claim the titles of Curraghmore House, one by direct descent, the Gurteen family; the other legal right, the Curraghmore family, or the de la Poer Beresfords. The descendants of the La Poher family, who accompanied Henry 11 in his invasion of Ireland, were the originators of the name in this country. Henry 11 made a grant of the “City of Waterford with all the circumjacent province” to Sir Robert La Poher who was the ancestor of the Waterford family. The eldest son of Sir Robert was Sir John de Poher, Baron of Donoyle and it seems the father built “Don Isle” castle, the Donoyle family being the parent stock of all the Waterford branches.
The Curraghmore line of the family originated with Roger, third son of the first Baron and it is he who is said to have built the ardent castle of “Curraghmore”. A descendant of Roger, was Richard Poer, Lord of Curraghmore, who was Sheriff of the county and who died in 1493. His grandson, another Richard was the person from whom the grant title of Barony of Power and Curraghmore came. The first Lord of Curraghmore was married to Katherine Butler, a lady who was the daughter of Piers, 8th Earl of Ormonde, by his wife Margaret Fitzgerald, a celebrated character. Sir Richard, first Lord of Curraghmore was slain (according to English Annals) while on service for the Crown, by a traitor before 1538.
The line of Curraghmore House ended with Lady Katherine Beresford (nee Power), who married Sir Marcus Beresford. Through this marriage with Poer in the female line, her husband was created Earl of Tyrone in1746, but the inheritance of the title in the male line passed to the Gurteen family. Numerous were the houses and branches of this family besides those of Donoyle and Curraghmore. There were also Carrigaline, Corbenny, Faithlegg, Bellvue, Snowhill, Kilfane and Curragheen to name just a few. A history of Waterford would be incomplete without at least a brief outline of the descendants of this family.
There are many sources of interest to the visitor to this estate. The first and most notable object of interest is the little church of Clonegam. Clonegam is a parish and the public road from Ballyquin gate leads to the gate of the church, which stands inside on the grounds. The church was rebuilt in 1841. Considerable historic interest is attached to this spot and the inscriptions on some of the tombs are those of people who were highly respected and admired in their time. At the top of the church, is the splendid work of art raised to the memory of Sir Marcus Beresford, Earl of Tyrone, and Countess Katherine, by whose marriage the old baronies of Beresford and le Poer were united.
Another interesting monument on Curraghmore Estate is the Round Tower, which is situated on a hill and was built by the fist Marquis, George de la Poer Beresford to commemorate the death of his son in a riding accident. The view from the tower is picturesque and the inscription on the tower read “La Poer Tower, erected in the year 1785 by George, Earl of’ Tyrone, to his beloved son, his niece and friend.”
Curraghmore House is situated in the lovely valley of the Clodagh river, which enters at Lowry’s Bridge and almost halves the land of Curraghmore. The half nearest Carrick-on-Suir is the portion which was originally in possession of the de la Poers. The section of land on the other side of the river, viz, the woods of Portlaw, Bayleck and Darrigal were obtained by purchase from the Duckett and Medlycott famlies. The area inside the boundary wall is 4,000 acres and outside is 3,000 acres, making a total of 7,000 acres of majestic, lofty hills, sumptuous vales and richly varied woods, which ennoble the natural magnificent and beauty of this ancient home of the Powers. At a distance, the mansion is imposing, being flanked on either side by rows of offices enclosing a court-yard and leading to the ancient castle front. The mansion was built by Earl James in 1700, but there is no record of the building of the ancient castle which is ascribed to Roger, third son of the first Baron, 1197. A spacious dwelling house was built at the rear of the ancient castle.
Anybody visiting Curraghmore estate must take a look at the Shell House. It is a grotto, made entirely of shells built by Lady Catherine Beresford. The patient work of completing the shell house lasted seven years, ending in 1651. Tourists to the area could also take a trip to the star fish shaped village of Portlaw. Even if one merely takes a Sunday stroll through the grounds of Curraghmore Estate, it should be noted that is a very historical location, worthy of closer attention.
which deals with the Normandic dukes history.
Back in Normandy the Nordic King showed what he was worth and surprisingly he turned out to be a very good and rather popular king. He and his people soon settled down in this new country. They got baptized, adopted the christian fate, married local girls and in general blended in with the natives. But the ruling family retained some of the Viking spirit and for several hundred years they where a force to count with. One of his ancestors became Wilhelm the conqueror (his name was Guillaume le Conquerant) which 1066 conquered England and became the new king. Richard Lionheart is one of his ancestors.
Other persons which was related to Rollos family played important roles. Among them where some christian knights which played an important role in the first crusades the years 1095 and 1099. They founded the kingdom Neapel-Sicily and conquered Libanon and created yet another kingdom in Syria. They stayed here until 1402. The same year a normandic knight his own small kingdom at the Canary Islands.
The Arabic messenger Ibn Fadlan, who was in Bulgar during the summer of 922, saw the Vikings arrive, and he wrote: “I have never before seen such perfect bodies; they were tall like palm trees, blonde, with a few of them red. They do not wear any jackets or kaftaner, the men instead wear dress which covers one side of the body but leaves one hand free. Every one of them brings with him an Axe, a sword and a knife. They never leave these things. Their swords are broad, grooved, and of French make. From their bellies to their necks they are tattooed in green with trees and other pictures. All of their women have a small box attached over the breast. This can be made of iron, silver, copper or gold. On each box there is a ring to which a small knife is attached. Around their necks they wear necklaces of gold and silver.”
Dudos in his book ‘Historia Norrmannorum’ During a quarter of a century, from 8th June 793 until 15th October 1066, these men would come in waves, often young and seeking a fight, and extremely skilled as sailors and warriors. Their activities left traces for eternity. Over 900 of the most common English words come from the Vikings (sky, skin, scrape, skirt, husband (husbonde) and window (vindue) are some examples). There are over 600 village names in England which can be directly related to the Vikings (Grimsby, Thoresby, Brimtoft, Langtoft and so on). There are English counties where about 75 percent of the village names derived from the Vikings. On the Shetland Islands the percentage goes up to about 99 percent. In the North East of England the Nordic languages were spoken until as late as the 12th century, on the Isle Of Man until the middle of the 15th century.
During a quarter of a century, from 8th June 793 until 15th October 1066, these men would come in waves, often young and seeking a fight, and extremely skilled as sailors and warriors. Their activities left traces for eternity. Over 900 of the most common English words come from the Vikings (sky, skin, scrape, skirt, husband (husbonde) and window (vindue) are some examples). There are over 600 village names in England which can be directly related to the Vikings (Grimsby, Thoresby, Brimtoft, Langtoft and so on). There are English counties where about 75 percent of the village names derived from the Vikings. On the Shetland Islands the percentage goes up to about 99 percent. In the North East of England the Nordic languages were spoken until as late as the 12th century, on the Isle Of Man until the middle of the 15th century.
The Manor of Poerhayes, it is recorded, was in the possession of the de Poer family for well over two hundred years, situated to the north west of the village that we know today as East Budleigh. A Walter de Poer was in the service of King John for a time and became the Sheriff of Devon in 1222, it is suggested that he may have been present at the signing of the Magna Carta. When the last Poer heiress, Ceceilia married into the Duke family from Sherborne in Dorset the Manor passed into their hands and remained there for another 300 years, known as Poerhayes, then Dukeshayes and then simply Hayes, the Manor House better known as Hayes Barton, the birthplace of Sir Walter Raleigh, whose father, also Walter was renting it from the Duke family. The Raleigh’s tried to buy the house eventually – but it has never been sold into private hands, today it remains the property of the Clinton Devon Estates, just four owners in 900 or so years!
William Power Keating Trench, First Earl of Clancarty 1741 – 1805 He served as an MP in the Irish House of commons, supporting the Whigs. Was advanced to the Irish House of Lords as Baron Kilconnell of Garbally tehn in 1800 further advanced to the position of Viscount Dunlo in 1800 as a reward for his continuing support of the Whig Party. Two years later he became Earl of Clancarty, his choice of this title is said to have been derived from a tenuous link to the Munster Earls of Clancarty who had been deprived of the title by the English Crown. He therefore became the first Earl of Clancarty in its second creation and had no shortage of male heirs, ten in all. He was succeeded by Richard Le Poer Trench, second Earl of Clancarty.
Information from several sources including: www.ballinsloe.com
• Tristram Beresford 3rd Bart. = Nichola Sophia Hamilton
o Marcus Beresford 1st Earl Of Tyrone = Catharine Poer Baroness La Poer
George De La Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Of Waterford = Unknown
George De La Poer Beresford 1st Marquess Of Waterford = Elizabeth Monck
John Beresford = Anna Constantia Ligondes
John Beresford = Barbara Montgomery
William Beresford D.D., Baron Decies = Elizabeth Fitzgibbon
4 Anne Beresford = William Annesley 1st Viscount Glerawley
5 Jane Beresford = Edward Cary M.P.
6 Catherine Beresford = Thomas Christmas M.P.
6 Catherine Beresford = Theophilus Jones
7 Araminta Beresford = George Paul Monck
8 Frances Maria Beresford = Henry Flood M.P.
9 Elizabeth Beresford = Thomas Cobbe
o 2 Susanna Catherina Beresford = Hyacinth Richard Nugent Lord Riverston
o 3 Arabella Maria Beresford
o 4 Jane Beresford = George Lowther
1 Georges Lowther
2 Marcus Lowther = Catherine Crofton
3 Lowther
4 Sophia Lowther = Rowley Hill
o 5 Aramintha Beresford
• 2 Jane Beresford = Frederick Hamilton
• 3 Catherine Beresford = Matthew Pennefather
Poers Hayes derived its name from the Poer family, with whom the Duke family intermarried several times during the 15th and 16th centuries. It was a family long established in Devon and even more so in the adjacent counties of Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Dorset. Of the various Poer family arms, only those of Wiltshire and Dorset, and of a Cornwall branch derived from Devon, resemble those of the Devon family. The circumstantial evidence for a tie between the Devon line and the Wiltshire and Dorset Poer families is very strong.
The Poer family made a place for themselves among the Anglo-Norman aristocracy and gentry of England quite early. Roger le Poor or le Poer was Chancellor of England under King Stephen, and died in 1139. He appears to be the first of the le Poers to have achieved national importance in England.
Roger, Robert, William, and Simon le Poer took part in the conquest of Ireland, accompanying Strongbow, and it is believed that they were all brothers. Roger, who died in 1186, was the most conspicuous of these. Some of the le Poer family subsequently remained in Ireland, ultimately receiving the title Earl of Tyrone. Burke’s General Armory notes that in 1535 Roger le Poer’s descendant, Richard le Poer (or Power) of Curraghmore, County Waterford, was made Lord le Poer.
However, some descendants of the le Poer brothers returned to England. For example, in the reign of Henry II, William le Poer held lands in Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, and Gloucestershire, and Robert le Poer held property in Oxfordshire.
Herbert le Poor was the last bishop at Sarum, in Wiltshire, and Richard le Poor was the first bishop at the new cathedral at Salisbury, serving from 1217 to 1229. He later served as Bishop of Durham, and died in 1237. Richard and Herbert were sons of Richard of Ilchester, bishop of Winchester, and Chancellor of England. They were necessarily illegitimate, since bishops couldn’t marry. Medieval England was notoriously lax, however, about the chastity of the priesthood.
The Dictionary of National Biography observes of Herbert le Poor, Bishop of Sarum in the early 13th century, that:
Dr. Stubbs suggests that he was connected with Roger Poor [see Roger] and therefore also with Roger of Salisbury and Richard FitzNeale. Canon Rich Jones conjectured that Poore was in this case the equivalent not of ‘pauper,’ but of ‘puer’ or the Norman ‘poer,’ a knight or cadet of good family (cf. Anglo-Saxon ‘cild’). He has also pointed out that near Tarrant in Dorset, where Herbert’s brother Richard was born, there are places called Poorstock and Poorton.
The names of “Poorstock” and “Poorton” in Dorset are more commonly given as “Powerstock” and “Powerton,” both modernized forms of “Poer.” Canon Jones’ interpretation seems very likely to be correct. “Poore” is the equivalent in this case of “Poer.”
Richard le Poer’s history was quite distinguished overall, but the best known accomplishment of his career was certainly the movement of the see from Sarum to Salisbury and the erection of Salisbury Cathedral. He organized the effort, and found the funds, for the construction of this jewel among the Gothic cathedrals of England, sometimes criticized as “too perfect” and a bit austere, but always regarded as one of the most historically and architecturally important buildings in England, a nearly pure example of Early English Gothic.
He also left less tangible monuments. Richard le Poer is credited with the final form of ‘the use of Sarum,’ the liturgy that became dominant throughout much of England and is one of the primary forerunners of the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Communion. The “Sarum Rite,” spread throughout much of southern England and is regarded as among the most elaborate forms of Christian religious service. “The elaborate splendour of Sarum ceremonial, as carried out in the cathedral church in the centuries immediately preceeding the Reformation, contrasted vividly with the comparative simplicity of the practice of the Roman Church.”
Richard founded a Cistercian house for nuns and their servants at his birthplace, Crawford Tarrant in Dorset. He also has been credited, probably eroneously, with the Ancren Riwle, a treatise on the monastic life that has been described as “one of the most perfect models of simple natural eloquent prose in our language …”
And, finally, as if this were not a sufficiently full life, Richard resided for some time, including minimally the year 1223, at Sherborne Castle in Dorset, “but it would have been as Sheriff of Dorset, and not as Bishop of Salisbury, that he held it.” Gilbert de Staplebridge acted for Richard as undersheriff. Clearly the medieval conception of appropriate episcopal roles differed from later standards.
It may be more than coincidence that Walter le Poer was Sheriff of Devon in 1222, probably overlapping Richard’s tenure as Sheriff of adjacent Dorset. The sheriffs were royal appointments, at this time frequently given to related members of families trusted by the crown. Walter le Poer was also a collector of the lay subsidy in Worcestershire in 1226, a justice itinerant in Worcestershire in the same year, and in 1227 justice itinerant for Oxford, Hereford, Stafford, and Salop (Shropshire). William le Poer (“le Pohier”) was Sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224, and was described as possibly an “outsider,” not native to Devon. The appointment of the Poers in and after 1222 marks the first appearance of the family in Devonshire.
There are references to the Poer family in the pleas of the Devon Eyre, dealing with civil litigation, of 1238. Hugh le Poer was listed as one who pledged for the fine of Walter Losoner and Ralph de Hapse in the case of the abduction of Robert de Sicca Villa de Strachville in Witheridge Hundred. Stephen le Poer was held in default for failing to appear for the first day as a juror in Braunton Hundred. He held land valued at one knight’s fee in Churchill, East Down, Barony of Dartington.
In 1238, Roger le Poer was an Elector for Sancte Marie Otery Hundred, held by the Dean and Chapter of Rouen Cathedral. In 1242-43, he was a juror in the Buddleigh Hundred and a tenant at Yethemeton, at Blakebergh, and at Rapelinghegh, a feofee of John de Courtenay, Earl of Devon. The Blakebergh property was in the honor of Plymton, held of the sheriff of Devon; there is doubtless some connection with William le Poer’s service in this position in 1222-1224. At some date between 1242 and 1254, a Phillip le Poer was a witness to a gift to the priory of the church of Ashbury, Devon.
It seems likely that William le Poer, sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224, was father of Roger, and perhaps also of Stephen and Hugh le Poer, since there is no evidence of a pre-existing Devonshire le Poer line to provide alternatives. Thus the genealogy of Cecily Poer, who married John Duke’s son William, was from William le Poer or le Pohier, Sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224; to Roger, elector for Ottery Saint Mary in 1238 and juror in 1242; through several generations to John Poer, feofee of the Dowager of the Earl of Devon in 1377; to his son, Roger, father of Cecily.
Nutwell is south of Exeter on the Exe River. The Prideaux were long established in this area. The family was begun in England by Paganus de Prideaux, who held Prideaux Castle in Cornwall under William I, suggesting participation in the Norman Conquest of 1066. Their family crest includes the head of a Saracen, denoting their participation in the crusades.
Herden Prideaux, great-grandson of Paganus de Prideaux and son of Nicholas de Prideaux (died 1169) married the daughter and heiress of Ralph Orcharton, of Orcharton, Devon. This established the Devonshire line of the family, which after the termination of the Cornwall line in 1387 was the senior line.
The Devon family included Sir Jeffrey Prideaux, who died in about 1243; Sir Roger Prideaux, born about 1224; and Sir Ralph Prideaux, born about 1243. In 1346 Thomas Prideaux served in the war in France, presumably at Crécy and Calais, with John Trevaignon of the king’s retinue. Other members of the Prideaux family were feoffees of the very powerful Courtenay family, earls of Devonshire. John Prideaux, Knight (died 1403) was the son of Sir Roger Prideaux of Orcherton and Joan, the heiress of Peter Clifford. Sir John was a commissioner of array in Devon between 1379 and 1392, and was a knight of the shire in the parliaments of October, 1383 (with Sir Robert Cornu) and February, 1388 (with Sir Philip Courtenay). He and his family had close connections with the earl. His sister’s son, Robert Scobhull, was another of the earl’s esquires; his cousin, also John Prideaux, married the daughter of Robert French, one of Earl Edward’s lawyers, in the 1390’s. Sir John himself acted as a feoffee of the earl in 1383, and witnessed with him a charter of Thomas Beauchamp. The Nutwell branch, from which Richard Duke’s wife came, was established by a cadet branch of this line.
The danes, strengthened with Swedes, also battled on in France. They fought their way up the rivers of Weser, Rhen, Maas and Seine in to France (or Valland as they called it). In the history books from the french monasteries one can read about their triumphs. They tell about the great forces which besieged Paris at easter 845 commanded by no one less than Ragnar Lodenbrok which according to the tales governed over Sweden, Denmark, Finland parts of England and some assorted countries in the east. He came with 120 ships and 5000 warriors. When they closed in on Paris the French King Karl the Bald fled to the monastary of St Denis where he praid to the saints Dionysos, St Germain and St Germanus. Anyhow nothng helped and 28:th of March the great army of the Viking stood outside the walls of Paris. To convince the people of Paris that they should give their gold to the Viking they killed som of their prisoners before the eyes of the Paris people.
The king could not do anything else than give the Vikings what they wanted and after some trading they left with over 7000 pounds worth of silver (which in those day was an enormous amount of money). This kind of money showed what the city had to offer if they would come back, and they did…
They came every summer afterwards, especially after the wine harvest. The city of Rouen was destroyed six times. Usually they struck on a religious holliday or during the market period (any time rally when there was a lot of people with a lot of goods in the city).
After some years Ragnars son Björn Järnsida took over the enterprise from his father and and cidnapped Karl the Greats grandsons Ludvig and Gocelin and the ransom, which the now more or less broke Karl the Bald, had to pay brought his country to the verge of economic ruin. In the year 885 a large number of Viking beseiged Paris but they didn’t give in and after some time the Viking gave up and fled towards Bourgogne.
Ragnar Lodbrok had several sons which all got very famous for their their capacities as warriors and merchants. They had interesting names like: Ivar Benlös, Sigurd Ormöga and in some hstory books: Hastein (in centraleurope: Hastings). According to the tales the two brothers Hastings and Björn Järnsida lead an expedition down the french coast.
They fought in Aquitanien, went up the river Garonne in to the wine district of Bordeaux. They visited St Emilion (which even in those days was famous for it’s fine wine). They threatened Toulouse and plundered a bit at the coast of Asturien and continued to Sevilla (up the river Guadalquivir) to threaten the moores led by Abdal Rahman II. He managed to defend himself, this time, more attacks were to follow…
Then, according to the Eddas, the brothers started a mediterranean cruising which has no paralell. They got through Gibraltar (Nörvasund), plundering Algesiras and Murcia on the way. They landed in Mallorca where they took slaves which they sold in North Africa (Blåland, Marocko). They sailed close to the coast of southern france plundering and taking whatever they wanted. Rousillon, Narbonne, Arles and Nimes was visited.
They went up the river Rhone and stayed over the winter on an island there. Thereafter they started a spring campaign with a little trip to Italy (Langbardaland, Lombardiet) where they plundered Pisa and the area of Ligurien. They also (according to normandic authors) invaded the city Luna as they thought it to be Rome. In order to invade the city they used a very sly tactic. They convinced the citizens of Luna that their leader had been killed and that they now wanted to give him a christian burial. To do this they where let in through the town gates… As soon as they had gotten inside they supposedly dead person sprung to life and promptly killed anyone in sight, opened the gates and let the rest of the Vikings in…
On their way home they passed the Island Sikelö (Sicily), Blåland (where they sold everything they robbed from Sikelö and grabbed some slaves which they in turn sold on Ireland).
Historically it has been confirmed that Vikings has been in Spain. The largest recorded attack came the 31:st of July 844 when a larger attack force hit the shores of Asturien. After this it continued (probably it was Hastings and his brother) via Galicien to Lissabon which was plundered. Then the turn came to Sevilla and Cadiz. The arabic Historian Ib Al Qotiya has described when the Madjous (the vikings) came up the river of Guadalquivir. After this first encounter the man in power (not surprisingly) hastily built a city wall in Sevilla and they started to ocnstruct battleships which could meet the enemy out in the open water.
An ambassadour was also sent (a poet and historian with the name Al Ghazal) to the north to meet with this strange people and establish a friendly relationship. The ambassadour wrote about his journey but forgot (!) to tell the name of the country he arrived to. In his books he writes that the kingdom consisted of several Islands far up in he north. There where a lot of fountains and the natives worshipped the fire. There where also many christians there. Probably he had arrived to Iceland.
Unfortunately he got in a lot of trouble when he tried to have an affair with the kings wife and it took him quite some time to recover from this. He stayed for a year and as result the Viking expeditions expired for some time.
Rollo, or Rolf the pirate as he was called in french historybooks was a rather fascinating man. He was an outlaw (even by Viking standards) and had been robbing, slaughtering and plundering all over the french coast for some time. When he got tired of this he sailed up thorugh seine and in to Paris which he besieged. After some time the whole county around Paris hade been so thorougly plundered that the french king, in Sweden called Karl den enfaldige (Karl the stupid), had to negotiate with Rollo.
They met in the little community St Claire at the river Epte between Rouen and Paris. Here they signed a contract which gave Rollo the control over all the land between Epte at Seine to the border of Bretagne, this land is to day called Normandy. The french king had no longer any jurisdiciton over this county (he was not entiteld to get any taxes or enroll men in his army or even appoint a new duke in this county). The treaty was sealed with a marriage between Rollo and the french kings daughter (What she thought about is not told) Gisla. That he was married before this was obviously of no importance.
To be able to get married he had to be baptized. This was done in the Church of St Clair (where the market place in front of the church still is named Place Rollon). The frenchmen formed a group on one side and the Viking on the other. The ceremony was held by Robert of Francien. After the ceremony and the trety had been signed Rollo was meant to kiss the kings foot to show that he accepted the king as his superior. As Rollo according to himself didn’t have any superiors he refused to do this. After a short quarrel a representative was sent forward to do it in Rollos place. He, is it told, stepped forward, took the foot in his hand lifted it up kissed it, lifted the king in his feet and throwed him out the window. Needless to say this wasn’t very popular among the frenchmen.
The treaty is no longer available but has been reviewed by the author Dudos in his book ‘Historia Norrmannorum’ which deals with the Normandic dukes history.
Back in Normandy the Nordic King showed what he was worth and surprisingly he turned out to be a very good and rather popular king. He and his people soon settled down in this new country. They got baptized, adopted the christian fate, married local girls and in general blended in with the natives. But the ruling family retained some of the Viking spirit and for several hundred years they where a force to count with. One of his ancestors became Wilhelm the conqueror (his name was Guillaume le Conquerant) which 1066 conquered England and became the new king. Richard Lionheart is one of his ancestors.
Other persons which was related to Rollos family played important roles. Among them where some christian knights which played an important role in the first crusades the years 1095 and 1099. They founded the kingdom Neapel-Sicily and conquered Libanon and created yet another kingdom in Syria. They stayed here until 1402. The same year a normandic knight his own small kingdom at the Canary Islands.
The Arabic messenger Ibn Fadlan, who was in Bulgar during the summer of 922, saw the Vikings arrive, and he wrote: “I have never before seen such perfect bodies; they were tall like palm trees, blonde, with a few of them red. They do not wear any jackets or kaftaner, the men instead wear dress which covers one side of the body but leaves one hand free. Every one of them brings with him an Axe, a sword and a knife. They never leave these things. Their swords are broad, grooved, and of French make. From their bellies to their necks they are tattooed in green with trees and other pictures. All of their women have a small box attached over the breast. This can be made of iron, silver, copper or gold. On each box there is a ring to which a small knife is attached. Around their necks they wear necklaces of gold and silver.”
His portrait is given in a fine French print representing the Congress of Vienna. He was succeeded by his eldest son, William Le Poer Trench (1803-1872).
Lady Louisa Trench+ d. 7 Feb 1881
William Thomas Le Poer Trench, 3rd Earl of Clancarty+ b. 21 Sep 1803, d. 26 Apr 1872
Commander Frederick Robert le Poer Trench b. 23 Jul 1808, d. Apr 1867
To his family he not only left the impressive house at Garbally and considerable wealth, but also the right to use the name and arms of Le Poer as had been the wish of his great grandfather.
Death of 2nd Earl of Clancarty at Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath (24th Nov). His portrait is given in a fine French print representing the Congress of Vienna. He was succeeded by his eldest son, William Le Poer Trench (1803-1872).
William Power Keating Trench, 1st Earl of Clancarty, was connected through his mother, Frances Power of Corheen, with Donough Maccarthy , 4th Earl of Clancarty of the first creation. Born in 1741, he sat in the Irish Parliament from 1769 to 1797 for the seat of Garbally in Co. Galway, supporting Floods’ motion for leave to bring in a Reform Bill (29 Nov 1783), opposed Pitt’s commercial propositions when brought forward by Orde (12th Aug 1785); but was attacked in 1791 by George Ponsonby for declaring that a majority was necessary for the government and that he would support them in their necessary and essential measures (Irish. Parl. Deb. 2nd ed. xi. 321-3). He was created an Irish peer on 25 Nov 1797 with the title of Baron Kilconnel of Garbally and was further advanced to Viscount Dunlo (1801) and the Earl of Clancarty (1803).
Clan Caomhanach
Arthur MacMurrough Kavanagh : 1831-1889
Arthur was born at Borris House, Co. Carlow, on 25 March 1831, the third son of Thomas Kavanagh (1767-1837), by his second wife, Lady Harriet Margaret Le Poer Trench, daughter of Richard, second earl of Clancarty. His father was M.P. for Kilkenny in the last Irish parliament, and for Co. Carlow in the last two parliaments (of the United Kingdom) under George IV, and the first parliament under William IV.
His family traced its descent to the kings of Leinster .
John McClintock Jr marries secondly Lady Elizabeth Trench, a daughter of the 1st Earl of Clancarty by Anne Gardiner, daughter of the Rt Hon Charles Gardiner of Dublin. Clancarty actually died on 27th April that year, aged 64, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, Richard le Poer Trench, 2nd Earl of Clancarty, the diplom
Ricahard was the product of a marriage between a Cambrian Norman family of Le Poers to the Hugenot Trench family who moved to Ireland following leaving France due to political problems,
Richard Le Poer Trench, second earl of Clancarty, also descended. Both the Chenevixes and Trenches were of Huguenot origin (DNB, 1917).
Master of the mint Richard Le Poer Trench, 2nd Earl of Clancarty 1812-1814
Sir Robert Le Poer Trench, KCB, KTS, and Lieutenant-Colonel 74th Regiment. This memorial has been erected by his brother, Richard, the Earl of Clancarty, …
www.redcoat.info/allwat.htm – 37k – Cached – Similar pages
The second Earl was William’s eldest son Richard. He was a consummate politician and spent many years as a diplomat for the Crown. In his dealings with the people of Ballinasloe Richard had a double standard. On the one hand he was a fair Landlord (by the standard of the day), not allowing his tenants to sub-let thereby preventing middlemen from extorting excessive rents. Also he had no cottier tenants (those who offered free labour instead of rent, often treated as slave labour) on his land. Further more he was an extensive employer in the area and usually paid the average daily rate of the time. Richard also had the current mansion house built at Garbally In 1819.
Anti-Catholic tendencies
The darker side of his nature arose when matters of religion were involved. The whole of the family were staunch Protestants and Richard’s brother, Power, was Archbishop of Tuam. They actively supported the local Bible Society and were not above the use of intimidation to aid the proselytising elements in the town. Most of the worst things done by the second earl were motivated by his religious convictions, although some were definitely motivated by self interest.
He actively opposed giving any rights to Catholics and voted against the Catholic Emancipation bill. Initially he also opposed the Act of Union, but changed sides when he found that substantial rewards were available for those willing to vote the ‘right’ way. He was rewarded for his ‘loyalty’ with a post as Postmaster General and later as Master of the Mint.
Richard founded a Cistercian house for nuns and their servants at his birthplace, Crawford Tarrant in Dorset. He also has been credited, probably eroneously, with the Ancren Riwle, a treatise on the monastic life that has been described as “one of the most perfect models of simple natural eloquent prose in our language …”
And, finally, as if this were not a sufficiently full life, Richard resided for some time, including minimally the year 1223, at Sherborne Castle in Dorset, “but it would have been as Sheriff of Dorset, and not as Bishop of Salisbury, that he held it.” Gilbert de Staplebridge acted for Richard as undersheriff. Clearly the medieval conception of appropriate episcopal roles differed from later standards.
It may be more than coincidence that Walter le Poer was Sheriff of Devon in 1222, probably overlapping Richard’s tenure as Sheriff of adjacent Dorset. The sheriffs were royal appointments, at this time frequently given to related members of families trusted by the crown. Walter le Poer was also a collector of the lay subsidy in Worcestershire in 1226, a justice itinerant in Worcestershire in the same year, and in 1227 justice itinerant for Oxford, Hereford, Stafford, and Salop (Shropshire). William le Poer (“le Pohier”) was Sheriff of Devon in 1222-1224, and was described as possibly an “outsider,” not native to Devon. The appointment of the Poers in and after 1222 marks the first appearance of the family in Devonshire.
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