Miles Johnston travelled to Ireland around 2014 to interview me regarding my childhood especially as much of it was as the child of a military Father. His last military posting was RAF RUDLOE MANOR near Corsham in Wiltshire.
My Mother received electro shock treatment specifically for memory wiping including at ROUNDWAY HOSPITAL in Devizes where Miles lives
Miles filmed for over 9 hours, may even have been 11, and I had asked Cathi Morgan, a fellow MKUltra survivor to be present as I found Miles quite triggering.
There is ONE interview missing, edited out by Miles when he allowed me to interview HIM in his home about boarding school in the UK and abuse but later changed his mind on going public
I am grateful for these interviews although I felt there was possibly an agenda particularly when I had recounted being human hunted and Miles wrote the description as being hunted by ALIENS!!! I still wonder if his remit was to divert and discredit disclosures by survivors such as myself
Here are the videos from the archives …Miles had uploaded them all to my channel as a courtesy, but subsequently copyright struck part 3 and threatened to do the same with them all which would have collapsed my channel …I am grateful at least that he stopped at just one and my channel recovered including through appeal
If you would like to help with my work please donate either one off or monthly via my gofundme here and THANKYOU!