The CATHI MORGAN interviews MKULTRA (archives)

I am on a roll here folks so set aside some time and do a deep dive if you haven’t seen any of these ….some of our collaborative work has been used by ABUSE INQUIRIES with some form of justice achieved for different survivors

These are not necessarily in date order but dates are on the videos

IF I DUPLICATE MY HEAD IS SPINNING lol I had NO idea what a body of work I have created and HUGELY appreciate the support and interest it has generated despite the horrendous trolling and character assassination that accompanies high level TRUTH telling!!

this one is important too

FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN MKULTRA IN THE UK AND BEYOND Cathi also featured in my BASES 43 interview series which I will gather in a separate blog. We also had some informal KITCHEN CHATS on her visits here which can be found on my back up youtube channel which actually has quite a lot of videos as my main channel was getting massive interference whilst covering THE HAMPSTEAD CASE

Here is a link for my back up youtube channel