WHO IS MEL V? Melani Vermay..CCN (Conscious Consumer Network Creative Director)

I first heard of Mel V about a year ago when she waded in on closed and secret groups investigating THE HAMPSTEAD COVER UP. There were many worldwide commenting and posting so I did not particularly have her on my radar. Then something very disturbing cropped up which was possibly her apparent discrediting of the HOLLIE GREIG case in which I have absolute faith. Whether it was that, or her apparent discrediting of the equally credible TOOS satanic ritual abuse survivor from Holland, I got a bad feeling and gave her a wide berth.
As an MKULTRA survivor the dissociation faculty can still operate and having distanced myself from this apparent hard-nosed, ambitious South African blogger, I moved on and forgot why.
Many months later I was interviewed by the eccentric but charming EILISH DE AVALON who was broadcasting on a very professional and slick media network called CCN….Conscious Consumer Network. She after the show was very keen for me to join the network as a Broadcaster and referred me to her ´Boss´´ Mel V.
I had a nagging feeling which sadly or maybe fortuitously I ignored and I did some research. I felt led to view some shows by her husband aka BIGGI BOHO and I felt I could relate to this guy despite him identifying as a SHAMAN and borderline atheist. So I said Yes.
As my broadcasting continued shocking things came back to light particularly Mel´s HISTORY and FORM for discrediting HIGH LEVEL sra survivors such as FIONA BARNETT, HOLLIE GREIG, TOOS and now add to her JOHN THE BAPTIST HEAD ON A PLATTER list myself and SANDY BERGEN. Add in many others with whom I am not altogether familiar, such as Cara St Louis and others, but Mel seemed to have an inordinate penchant for discrediting people in places of influence. Maybe one in many is on the money, but there seemed to be an over avid delight in DISCREDITING people which left me uncomfortable.
Mel in the midst of rows with other broadcasters who had left her platform and who she set about discrediting asked me during a skype call PROMISE ME YOU WILL NEVER FIGHT WITH US…and stupidly, naively, without praying about the seriousness of covenant with people I hardly knew I said YES. I take my promises seriously. In my clumsy attempts to KEEP that what I now believe to havc been an unequally yoked almost SATANIC pledge, I threw my friend and fellow MKULTRA survivor SANDY BERGEN under the bus. As Mel and Biggi raged in skype calls, messages etc about the alleged pressure Sandy put them under, and Mel threatened to fire the woman I had so highly recommended as a potential broadcaster, I went into childhood peacemaking default and descended into unkind gossip and set ups of my friend, in an attempt to honour the pledge of NO FIGHTING WITH MEL and keep my friend from being fired and brutalised. My clumsy attempts to negotiate actually had me participate in hurting my friend for which I have apologised profusely and done my time in sackcloth and ashes.
Sandy has twice deferred recording a SACKCLOTH AND ASHES episode between us although we enjoyed the brief respite of the TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE sabotage with a skype call where we off the record LAUGHED at the wiles of the ENEMY. The enemy with whom sadly Mel seems to be dancing. Her Fuck Jesus and Do not pray for me messages make my blood run cold, and seem to fit the unforgivable sin criteria of GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT. I am not the one to judge.
I am sad about this debacle. I take responsibility for my part in it. I pray against the odds for healing in Mel´s abusive past as well as all survivors to the extent that Jeshua Jesus might snatch her back from the jaws of Hell.
Meanwhile I share below what DAVID ICKE had to say about her, what her latest prey MICHAEL TALLINGER had to say about her, and what verified authentic amazon reviewers had to say about her work. And I am open to answers ….WHO IS MEL V?
And finally, this is the first and possibly only collaboration show myself and Sandy did after leaving CCN MEDIA and Mel….and this is the show that unleashed her ire to the unbelievably unprofessional level of releasing private messages between network and broadcasters putting peoples lives at risk in the process…..WHAT THE DEVIL INTENDED FOR HARM, GOD WILL USE FOR GOOD
Please check out my new website ANGELA´S CACHES.ORG  Also subscribe to my youtube channels ANGELA POWER DISNEY and ANGIE POWER DISNEY. Most of all please pray….these are dangerous times we are living in! If you would like to partner in this dangerous and front line work you can donate securely here https://www.gofundme.com/JOURNOANGIE or contact me for paypal details

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