I never understood that quote until I realised it is referring to FALLEN angels because angels on a mission from GOD fear nothing!
This video is devastatingly accurate and again CORROBORATES everything disclosed by GABRIEL and ALISSA the Hampstead 2. Remember McDonalds? Finchley Lido?
Tune in at the new weekly time on Thursdays of 6pm for two hours of ongoing anomolies, adventures and answers. Although not so much on the adventures this week with the sad loss of a colleaugue
Archives will be up a couple days later if you miss the show and archives of all the shows including the Monday ANGELA’S CACHES playlist are available on CONSCIOUS CONSUMER NETWORK channel or dedicated archive website
Thanks to all who have newly made contact…networking is a huge part of this work
God Bless and keep all safe as the TSUNAMI of truth continues to be revealed