Hi Friends,
Am working with Baron David Ward in my attempts to fend off RICKY DEARMAN and his latest assault on whistleblowers and campaigners in trying to get me prosecuted in Ireland
Here are some videos of our work in laymens terms….if you ever wanted an alternative to sleepless nights and expensive solicitors barristers attorneys and sometimes crooked judges!!
I will start with the latest one first I have 7 proceedings at the moment, three against the police who took my computer, 2 laptops and a phone almost two years ago, still not returned, and still no copy of a warrant produced other than briefly showing me a piece of paper then taking it away with them; 2 to the Director of Public Prosecutions who have been “considering” a file on me for a year and 5 months, still with no decision, and 2 for Google who gave access to my video data despite my informing them the alleged court orders were illegal…one wasn’t even signed1!
Anyway, enjoy and share! Baron Ward is not charging me for his time and knowledge which is amazing, but there are costs involved so if you are able to contribute please do so http://paypal.me/AngelaPowerDisney and thankyou for those who pray xx
There are a couple more like THE DPP RESPONDS and so on, but basically so far, we have people passing the buck and no results or remedy, but no arrest either so we focus on the positives!!
{2 suppressed video links removed, 1 updated – Ed}