Hi Friends!
Sadly my FRIENEMY (frenemee??) TERE JOYCE has flipped on me again despite a history of doing some very good work together, not least the recent HAMPSTEAD PANEL which featured also DR ABRAHAM CHRISTIE and is now available only on my new BITCHUTE channel
Here is her attack video on me and following is my RESPONSE as well as other videos I did not feature in the last blog
Here is the video I reference where Tere asked me to do an urgent zoom broadcast!!
Here is a HAMPSTEAD video and I pray Tere will not be petty enough to take this down but please DOWNLOAD in case??
and here is one in the HOLLYWOOD series and by the way Tere I have a bit of HOLLYWOOD insider track too Sweetheart
and so it goes…the end of a beautiful cyber friendship and professional collaboration that was exposing the REAL bad guys
Love always
p.s. I have a new annual gofundme and if you can contribute to my monthly goal of 500 euro that would be just BEAUTIFUL xx