This video or videos, like many to follow, has been rescued from a mass censorship attack that brought down Angie’s original YouTube channel. It is now hosted on the dedicated YT channel for those pre-2021 videos, Archives of Truth. We are also preparing to move all of Angie’s past and future content to censorship-resistant sites in addition to YouTube, for however long real people are still allowed to upload there.
As of mid-2021 we are now a team of three – the two of us who are not Angie are here to hopefully lighten the administrative burden so she can focus on working with, protecting survivors and their disclosures. A lot of this work would not happen without your support, and we are making a re-invigorated appeal for help to keep this going. Any contribution makes a huge difference, big or small – they all remind us that this is a battle the side of good will win eventually. Thank you.
Contribute here at Angie’s GoFundMe