"MOMMY DEAREST"………..for anyone experiencing that sinking feeling of DISAPPOINTMENT after Christmas CLICK HERE TO READ!
My sons saved their pocket money for 6 weeks so they could buy Christmas presents, aside from those I gave out from us as a...
My sons saved their pocket money for 6 weeks so they could buy Christmas presents, aside from those I gave out from us as a...
Really vivid movie kinda dream that went on for a good while. Also felt like a healing dream cos I woke up healed in my...
These words are often bandied around including in the world of cinema, without an accurate understanding of the fullness of their meaning. I find it...
This is of particular interest to Jewish people, particularly those who still look for their Messiah………Israelites, Those of Judah………I know there are controversies over when...
My heart is defrosting without my permission Bitter sweet pangs of pain with surprise A wave of emotion rolls in unannounced Heartache injustice secrets and...
I just wanna catalogue some encounters, which are different from happenings or co incidences or unexpected blessings! I have had various encouragements over the past...
Someone asked for my recipes so here are a couple to kick off….I am baking apple cinnamon crumble with my 16 year old son!! Apples...
A social meeting I had recently with a counsellor included conversations about professional guidelines in dealing with child sexual-abuse survivors. He is both a survivor...
Dad has finally admitted he has given Nicky first option on buying the remaining approximately 4 acres of the farm in Scholar’s Field. He and...
Ok I can go back in and edit and expand this but I am inspired by this oldie but goodie which is to WRITE IT...