When joy comes like a flood
of understanding delayed
by suspended emotion, animation….
when joy comes like a flood
can I tell you? Can I dance it?
Can I sing it and paint it and speak it?
Why so significant to feel the feeling
to smell the roses and the coffee
and feel the love the joy the flood….
why so delayed to appreciate
flowers and delicacies and jewels
of heritage and history and beauty?
No matter……….I feel you
I love you and I see you and I
hear you and accept and applaud you
for who you are
and have been
and will be
if you do not faint or quit
or grow weary
or simply die……
You will occupy and inhabit again
the stage that is your life
if you finally will see and feel
that you are loved
you are adored
you are accepted and forgiven
and rejoiced over…
angels dance at your existence
your birth and rebirth
your gift to this world
this people
this person….who LOVES YOU!
with no demand
or expectation or price to pay
love for nothing yet precious
beyond rubies
Angels dance over you…..
they dance….and so do I