Hi Friends, Foes & Countrymen!
As you may know, the wheels of censorship started grinding back into action against myself a few weeks ago, when Google European HQ in Ireland informed me they had once again been petitioned or attempted to be COMPELLED to release my data on 4 mystery videos, INCLUDING SUBSCRIBER data!!
I objected firmly both by e mail and in writing with crest, signature and seal, but have had no further correspondence from them to date. I will venture an inquiry next week!
Meanwhile I DARED to do two shows again with the incorrigable #LukeMcKee on the normalisation of paedophilia not just in Australia but worldwide…..please enjoy and share, download, mirror etc…Luke is an absolute encylopaedia of evidence and knowledge in this field HERE IS HIS TELEGRAM LINK please bookmark it!!
Youtube seems to be suppressing views in a shocking manner, but this blog is doing really well so please do share!
The coming few days could be hugely significant with the 250 million pound planned CORONAtion of Charles friend of Jimmy Savile, brother of Randy Andy, friend of Jeffrey Epstein …Camilla the adulteress due to be QUEEN despite previous promises to the contrary….and then 9th May heralds the scheduled VICTORY DAY military parade in Russia, this after the KREMLIN was apparently DRONE ATTACKED!!
Simply try to imagine YOUR Parliament being bombed or drone attacked and what your response might be?? We are living in END TIMES or a MOVIE depending on your belief system!!!
For as long as banks last ha ha please do contribute to our gofundme because it helps Aaron and I keep this show on the road!!
love as always and forever!! Angie and Aaron xx