My Disclosure Series on #mkultra with #LisaMeister

Hi Friends,

I did an interview series last year with an American survivor and activist Lisa Meister. It spilled over into this year into a 5 part series, and I am still receiving incredible corroboration and testimonies from survivors worldwide

This is a project to listen to, but I wanted to document it all in one place. It is incredibly challenging to disclose in chronological order for survivors of MKUltra No Consent Medical Experiments, including drugging, hypnosis and torture DESIGNED to memory wipe, so I really appreciated the platform and listening to document what I could …………..

Please subscribe to Lisa’s channel here

Today and tomorrow are the final parts on preview on youtube, with livechat so if you read this in time, please do join us and also SHARE, LIKE AND COMMENT! If you miss the premieres on youtube, no worries as all are visible here or will be by tomorrow!

If you can support our work, my assistant and I despite both being disabled survivors, work tirelessly to keep disclosing the truth of these projects ….please contribute if you can, either monthly or as a one off gift which will be put to good use, and hugely appreciated.

Please also subscribe to the associate channel

love always,

Angie and Aaron xx