New decode #Hampstead #Gabriel coerced retraction

Hi Friends,

Many of you may be busy, stressed or triggered at this solstice and sacrifice time of year, so we APPRECIATE your time in visiting the blog! We are fast approaching 1.3 million hits and ask you to keep SHARING, and subscribe if you have not already.

It is encouraging to see a new generation sharing the details of the HAMPSTEAD COVER UP and we are doing our part to keep the evidence online.

In this video, Aaron and I break down some partially new disclosure evidence with commentary, and recall of many of the details recorded and then NUKED from the HAMPSTEAD RESEARCH blog….


Please support and follow SABINE McNEILL who despite suffering from PTSD after more than four years in a British prison, is ONCE AGAIN putting her head and reputation firmly above the parapet! She is almost 80 years of age and myself and Aaron are doing all we can to support her as well as a Canadian therapist and many well wishers ….Sabine has a new website and a petition, as well as an E BOOK available by messaging her on

and here is Sabine’s website:

and finally, although I personally do not put much stock in petitions including but here is Sabine’s petition which she updates most days… fact, as we were writing this blog THE PETITION WAS REMOVED!!!! I have been telling people for years that change etc is COMPROMISED!!

Please continue to follow the MOTHER Ella Gareeva of the HAMPSTEAD CHILDREN 17 & 18 all these agonising years later, and her website

As 2023 draws to a close, and by the way Angie is STILL not in prison ha ha that has been a meme since 2017…..could you PLEASE show your appreciation for our work by making an end of year contribution FOR THE WONDERFUL EDITING AARON to upgrade his computer to cope with the workload and remote interference we frequently endure, even whilst wearing NO tin foil hats!

Mark your end of year donation AARON PC and we will keep you updated and THANK YOU!!

Love as always!

Angie and Aaron xx