#survivorstory Self Harming in the Survivor Community….with Aaron and Angie

Hi Friends,

I guess I should give a trigger warning right off the bat. Aaron who met with a survivor for a day and documented his story at the beginning of his healing, uploaded this video first on Archives of Truth and within moments of doing so, got an AI generated e mail saying it had been removed from youtube for violation of terms and conditions!

The AI must have picked up the subject of self harm and mistaken it for one of the many, horrendous videos out there in social media actually advocating same….whilst this was in fact a video discussion advocating for communication instead of self harm.

Youtube in fact did not remove the video from Archives of Truth and I have since uploaded it to my channel also, awaiting approval, but we felt to at least blog this from bitchute as it was filmed on 17th July and is important

I had a survivor stay with me around 2000, she was in her 50’s and she stayed for three months. Her self harm routine was more subtle but she eventually confessed to RED HOT BATHS and I mean like boiling water as a way for accessing relief from her decades of repressed pain….she had been raped through childhood by her adoptive brother and mistakenly kept it secret thinking that was the good christian thing to do…and so the self harm continued.

Please if you are a survivor reading and watching this, and you suffer from this rage directed inward, reach out to someone….and if you are an advocate please look for the signs and be brave as Aaron was by simply asking WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? Sometimes all we have to do is come alongside with care and compassion. If the self harm approaches suicide or life threatening issues then encourage that person to also seek professional help xx

Love always,

Aaron and Angie