HI Friends!
Apologies for the gap in blogging, we took some much needed time off including a glorious week in Lanzarote! A whole new blog to follow on that including a very strange ritual we observed from a safe distance! Subscribe to the blog to get notifications (see subscribe button at top of blog) or stay in touch and we will share that one on X (twitter) etc!
I also need to do a final couple shows with Charissa sharing audio and commentary of her spectacular book on SPIRITUAL WARFARE …look out for that final blog too!
Good News the blog hits just surpassed 1.2 million which is fantastic news! THANK YOU to all who visit here!
Meanwhile, here are the first two parts in a new series of interviews of an Irishman now in his glorious early 40’s, but who emigrated to Los Angeles aged 20 and fell on his feet very quickly, working for the company that featured on the TV Series PIMP MY RIDE.
Trev became the darling of the elites, working for Kobe Bryant, Francesca Hilton, Britney Spears, the Disney family and many more including the GETTY family….he enjoyed a glamourous Hollywood lifestyle, including miraculously surviving a 200 miles per hour crash in a multi million dollar Ferrari.
In trying to protect the famous driver, as he was the passenger, he went along with a cock and bull story of different drivers who had run off, and despite a legal team being funded by the VATICAN, he spent 20 months in jail on remand before the charges were DROPPED!
I won’t spoil the fascinating ongoing tale of Trev’s time in Hollywood and Las Vegas, follow the series and also refer to the many links of other interviews he has given which I will link after our shows ….the Boy Racer didn’t quite calm down immediately suffice it to say! He is one of life’s risk takers and his unbounding joy is contagious all these years later. Nobody recommends driving at those speeds but thankfully no other vehicles were involved and nobody harmed.
The first video ended abruptly because I had cancelled my ZOOM PROFESSIONAL as retired and it cut off at 40 minutes! I reinstated it and we continued in Part 2 below!
Trev drops bombshell information on things like an unnamed handler of Britney and inexplicable observations made similar to those recorded by Isaac Kappy R.I.P.
On our next video we hope to discuss what it is to become targeted for whistle blowing including multiple death threats/assassination attempts and near misses ….meanwhile if you enjoy these disclosures and can support Trev in any way financially, please donate to him via Revolut: @trevor53np …his life has utterly changed and he relies on God for every need!
If you want to do a deep dive into the whole story and the courage it took to speak out, you can go through the following interviews he did on other platforms:
Facebook – Trevor Karney
Instagram – Aka_Trev_Kay_111
If you check the description box under my second interview with Trev, you will also find links to 3 interviews he did with Nicholas Venjamin. Alternatively, do reach out to Trevor himself via his socials
Thanks and God bless and Enjoy!
Angie and Aaron xx