Charissa the final chapters of #SPIRITUALWARFARE with Angie!

Hi Friends!

It has been an honour and a privilege to work over several weeks with a high level survivor from the MORMON CHURCH. She got robbed by corrupt police of 50.000 dollars she had fled with, she had custody of her beloved children stolen, she was hard pressed and persecuted from every side but SHE DID NOT GIVE IN OR GIVE UP!

Please check back on the previous two blogs of this series for the whole book, please connect with Charissa on her social media sites, support our work, we survived a lot to keep talking. And Charissa won back at least joint custody of her beloved children and is still fighting for truth and justice daily.

It is sometimes a hard slog. It is sometimes tempting to go silent and submit to past programming. Charissa expresses herself through poetry and the final poem of the last video left me in tears.

Charissa talks about crying daily. God saves our tears in a bottle!

For contact details and a free pdf of the SPIRITUAL WARFARE MANUAL see links at the end of this blog.

Charissa is building a brand new youtube channel, please go and subscribe here, it is called Kadosh Life. If you want to contact Charissa on instagram she is attorneyatyah and that is her g mail address too. Delighted to see she is also active on facebook now as CharissaatYah.

What a perfect ending to this series, here is Charissa BLOWING HER SHOFARS!! This is not political it is SPIRITUAL….Charissa has only just taken up the shofar, and my colleague and I are still learning how to embed shorts on my blog! We will share the shofar in the comments…please share this video and PRAY PRAY PRAY we are living in urgent times!

Love always,

Angie and Aaron xx